Totoku DICOM Calibration Kit DICOM – CAL-008

It goes without saying that maintaining grayscale accuracy is of significant importance for monochrome medical image displays. Periodic calibration by Medivisor Grayscale and/or Medivisor Color provides accuracy control that conforms to the Grayscale Standard Display Function (GSDF) according to DICOM Part 14.


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Graphical presentation of calibration results

Calibration results are shown not only numerically but also graphically providing quick and easy visual summaries.

Calibration history management

Calibration history is saved separately for each display and instant access is provided to previous calibration records.

Test patterns for easy visual examination

Various test patterns are available for simple visual examination of display characteristics. QA Medivisor can be used to perform acceptance and constancy tests according to various standards.

Calibration software Medivisor Grayscale, Monochrome calibration software
Supported display models

* ME Series: ME315L, ME511L
* ME Series i model: ME251i, ME351i

Supported operating systems

* Windows XP/2000

Medivisor Grayscale

Calibration software Medivisor Color, Color calibration software
Supported display models

* CCL Series: CCL182 /r, CCL204, CCL212 /r, CCL316
* CCL Series i model: CCL250i, CCL350i

Supported operating systems

* Windows XP/2000

Medivisor Medical Monitor Calibration kit CAL008 Package contents

* Calibration software: Medivisor Grayscale, Medivisor Color, Medivisor for ME551i2, Medivisor for ME201L/ME181L
* QA Medivisor
* GSDF Checker
* Luminance sensor (puck)

Current Totoku CAL-008 Specifications

SKU: CAL-008 Category:

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